November 2018

CrossFit Recreate
June 23, 2022
November 2018

November 2018

12 Committed Club Members this month!! And about 8 more who were on the bubble of "17" attendances!! Way to stay strong with your attendance into the cold dark winter months! I know finding motivation can be challenging this time of year, but you all are showing that motivation breeds motivation. If you just keep it up and make it a part of your schedule, you will be successful! Keep up the attendances and keep focus on eating the best your can through the holidays! Only 2 weeks left in the Nutrition Challenge- who win win the pot of money???Thank you all for your commitment to CFR and your health!Eliza D.26Elizabeth H.24Elizabeth M.23Angela21Sherry19Phillip19Kara19Trevor19Nikki18Marcie17Brittney17Bobbi H17I'm interested to look back at 2018 next month and see who made Committed Club every month, and see how many attendances you all accumulated for the year!!

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