July 2019

CrossFit Recreate
June 23, 2022
July 2019

July 2019

Well, we doubled the committed club from June to July!! Making great strides and getting fitter every month! Don't forget the Open is in October (again) this year- make sure you're keeping up with working on the goals you set after the Open that was in March. So happy to have you all call CFR your gym and your second home! We love our gym family! Check the list below to see if you made the club for July....July 2019 Committed Club:Kyle Spr.26Elizabeth H.26Jim23Marcie22Eliza22Ted21Brittney21Nikke21Missy20T.J.20Phillip19Will19Lori19Zoe18Lisa S.17Angela17Abi W.17Trevor17

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