Each month we highlight a different CFR member using our “Athlete Spotlight,” where we will ask a series of “get to know you” questions. This will help introduce you to the members of our community that you have yet to meet, OR If you have met them, teach you a little more about them! You might just find out something new or something you have in common!
January's “Athlete Spotlight” is Nick! Nick is one of our longest running members of our Teen program. He has shown tremendous improvement since joining us and we really enjoy having him as a Recreater.
Nick Burlingham

Tell us a little about yourself (family, job, etc):
"I am a tenth grader at butler high school. My hobbies are snowboarding and working out."
What made you decide to try Teen Strength and Conditioning?
"I wanted to start working out but did not want to join a traditional gym."
What is your favorite aspect of CrossFit Recreate?
"I like that we go over the lifts before we do them, so we always have good form."
What have you taken away from experience over the last year?
"I have learned that you always underestimate yourself and can push past your limits all of the time."
What is your favorite WOD/movement and your least favorite WOD/movement?
"My favorite movement is deadlifts and my least favorite movement is thrusters."
Any advice for “newbies” & those looking to try Teen Strength and Conditioning?
"Never compare yourself to anyone except your past self."
Proudest CrossFit accomplishment(s) so far?
"I am most proud of power cleaning my body weight and strict pull ups."
What are your fitness goals for this year?
"My goals are to do a muscle-up and deadlift twice my body weight."

Thank you Nick for sharing a little bit of your CrossFit experience with us. We look forward to helping you and watching your reach your goals this year. It's particularly rewarding to see our Teen athletes grow in their CrossFit journey and celebrate the milestones with them through their high school and college years. We are confident that you are set up for safe and functional movement in whatever athletic or recreational activities you pursue in life!
Eager to learn more about our awesome members? Be on the lookout for next month’s Athlete Spotlight!