Each month we highlight a different CFR member using our “Athlete Spotlight,” where we will ask a series of “get to know you” questions. This will help introduce you to the members of our community that you have yet to meet, OR If you have met them, teach you a little more about them! You might just find out something new or something you have in common!
March’s “Athlete Spotlight” has not only been a committed member of CrossFit Recreate, but also a devoted Recreate Nutrition client for a year. We would like to introduce you to…
Jim Haughey

Pictured here in Alaska, half marathon time of 1:33, 5th place finish!
Tell us a little about yourself (family, job, etc):
Married to Lori, daughters are Elizabeth and Abigail. I have lived in Butler my whole life.
I have worked for Komatsu Mining Corporation for 27 years where I am currently the Product Director for multiple product lines of underground mining equipment used for the extraction of coal and other material. In this role, I am responsible for the design and application of the equipment around the world, requiring significant travel in and out of the USA.
In addition to CrossFit, I am a runner, logging 30 – 40 miles per week. I am also about to start my 16th season as a youth soccer referee.
What made you decide to try CrossFit and why CrossFit Recreate?
I started CrossFit to become a better runner as I felt I needed a boost to my performance. I came to CrossFit Recreate because Lori was already going there.
You also worked with our Recreate Nutrition coaches for about a year- what was your motivation to seek out nutrition coaching?
I started working with Alicia for nutrition coaching to further help my running and CrossFit performance. I continued because it really made a difference.
What are your biggest takeaways/accomplishments from working with Recreate Nutrition?
My biggest takeaway was that once my macros were set, it was actually quite easy to follow, but does require going back to the basics (measure, weigh) from time to time. The biggest accomplishment has been sticking to it after a year. It has been a challenge as the amount of food I eat is actually quite a lot and due to my hectic travel schedule.
What is your favorite Wod/movement and your least favorite Wod/movement?
No real favorite WOD or movement. Least favorite movements are overhead squats and snatches. I just need to put more effort into these to get better.
Any advice for “newbies” & those looking to try CrossFit?
Don’t make your mind up based on one workout. You are not there to compete with anyone but yourself. There is nothing wrong with scaling. You will always be sore, but it will move around your body.
Proudest CrossFit accomplishment(s)?
Still at it after 2 years. Able to do many of the gymnastic movements – push-ups, pull-ups, HSPU, T2B, and dips.
What are your fitness goals for this year?
Continue to stay healthy. Half-marathon PR. String together toes to bar.

(Abi, Jim, Lori, Elizabeth)
We’d like to thank Jim for taking the time to answer our questions and being a committed member of the CrossFit Recreate and Recreate Nutrition community! We are excited to see him continue to progress in his health and fitness!
Eager to learn more about our awesome members? Be on the lookout for next month’s Athlete Spotlight!